Quality and Environmental Policies

Quality Policy
・Quality Policy
「To emphasize quality above all else, provide products that gain the trust and satisfaction of customers, and contribute to the management of the company.」
1.To act in accordance with laws, regulations and customer requirements, and at the same time to continuous improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.
2.Set and develop quality targets that are appropriately implemented and revised.
・Quality target
「Achieve target quality values and improve delivery quality」
Yoshihide Nagura, Chairman and CEO
Environmental Policy
Located near the beautiful Lake Hamana, the UNICRAFT NAGURA Group ranks the conservation of local and global environments as a critical management issue. All employees are instilled with a sense of responsibility towards the environment and are dedicated to environmental protection and the reduction of environmental load.
1.The UNICRAFT NAGURA Group is aware of the impact of production activities, actively promoting environmental protection, reduced environmental load and the prevention of environmental pollution caused by the spillage of oil and other contaminants.
Environmental protection efforts include the use of renewable resources, alleviation of and adaption to climate change, and the protection of biodiversity and the ecosystem.
Moreover, we strive to purchase environmentally-friendly products, promote the development of production technologies and products, and maintain and improve the environment.
2.We promote effective use of resources and have made the following items a priority for the formation of a recycling-orientated society.
・Reduced power usage as part of energy-saving activities.
・Reduced waste oil generation as part of waste minimization activities.
・Reduced defect generation and reduced usage of oil as part resource saving activities.
3.We observe environment-related laws, ordinances and other requirements, and strive to minimize effects on the environment.
4.In order to achieve our environmental policy we have set specific environmental targets and goals, and carry out management and improvement activities in addition to periodically reviewing these objectives and targets.
5.All employees are issued a “Green Card” and undergo environment-related education, as well as taking part in in-house public relations campaigns; to make sure they are thoroughly acquainted with environmental policies and to enhance their awareness of environmental conservation.
6.This Environmental Policy is published both internally and externally.
June 28, 2016
Yoshihide Nagura, Chairman and CEO